Sunday 18 October 2015

Kathmandu Calling! The Story Behind the Exhibition: Part I

Soo, as I’m sure a lot of you would have heard by now: that Kathmandu is Calling in the name of art, the power of community – and will be bringing a true Nepalese cultural experience to Reading and beyond… Hurrah!

But what does this mean and why am I doing it? The mind slowly ponders... Well firstly, I have a great kinship with the country after volunteering there with children doing pre-school and after-school clubs with the kids; helping them with their Maths and English, as well as assisting with painting their (highly porous!) school walls. My volunteering also included a month at an orphanage in South Nepal with some of the most glorious children I have met. But it wasn’t just volunteering, you see. It was so much more than that. Yes, sure, I travelled and had some wonderful touristic experiences. True. However when you are volunteering – you are living amongst the community and therefore become a part of it. It adds a whole other dimension to the experience. I was staying in basic digs, eating their (amazing!) food and walking, talking their language. I loved it. I hadn’t met people like this before in my life – nor a country as beautiful as this. Unlike any other place I have been to in the world – simply because the world is so vast – Nepal is the first (and only place) that I have wanted to go back to. 

And back I went. I returned earlier this year to re-visit and travel some more. This was back in Feb, using redundancy funds from my previous life in the corporate role – Nepal was going to be the dividing line between the two lives. The line drawn in the sand, so to speak. The day I came back from Nepal, I decided to become an artist. Not only that, but I decided to do my first series of paintings dedicated to Nepal. This happened to be just two days before the first of the two horrific earthquakes hit Nepal. I was devastated at the news of the Quakes. Wholly and completely.
I’ve done a lot of work in that time: I have set myself up as an artist and made the decision that my first exhibition would absolutely be to help Nepal. I created my website: and am currently working on the body of work that will be revealed at the exhibition, starting tomorrow (19th Oct).
“It goes without saying that my first solo exhibition; ‘Kathmandu Calling!’ is dedicated to the people of Nepal - for their insatiable courage, profound spirit and overall resilience”

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