Sunday 4 February 2018

Adiós Inglaterra!

And so. Tomorrow is the day! That I leave the eternal grey skies (ok, slight exaggeration) of the UK (Reading) for la ciudad de la eterna primavera’ (the city of eternal spring) that is Medellin, in Colombia! I’ve been journaling in my diary for the past weeks so will be writing this up to share with you lovely people 😊

For those of you who don’t know, I’ll be leaving the UK to go live abroad and ultimately: have an adventure over the next year. This blog will track this adventure: before, during and after.

So one thing I’ve underestimated is the amount of prep that is needed! I’ve spent the last month running around like a headless being; organising all sorts from holiday jabs to banking - to car admin and mobile phone decontractifying (yes, I did just make that word up) to <yawn> yup, more banking. It’s completely boring, yet so crucial – to the point I think I’ll even write a blog post about banking alone!

I’ve had pretty mixed feelings over the past month; mainly in the form of stress (so much to doo!) to impatience (I just want to get there already!) to denial and hesitancy (why not just stay in Reading?!) – and a little excitement! Yes, you thought there may be a bit more of that, right..? Well honestly, it has not been primary emotion. It’s been largely: ‘let’s-get-this-done-and-then-move-on-to-the-next-task-and-oops-I-forgot-this’ – all while making my list that bit longer.

And now with less than 24-hours to go, the excitement is well and truly present. For real! I *actually* cannot wait! So, watch this space with more to come (while I head out to buy and sort out those last-minute bits and bobs and do my last min packing!)

Ciao for now and until Colombia!

Do I reeeally want to leave the splendours of Woodley behind...?